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Ideal mother and father workshop

Sunday 9th June, 1:30pm – 4:30pm

We’re going to go deep into ideal mother and father imaginations in this 3 hour workshop. Hopefully, by the end, you'll have experienced a felt sense of safety, security, attunement, comfort, delight in your being, and support for exploration by the end of the 3 hours :)

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Sunrise AI app

The Sunrise AI app supports you through voice journalling, parts work, focusing, and ideal mother and father sessions to heal your attachment system and help you feel more ease.


Tour of Inner Work course

Sign up if you’re interested in hearing when we run the next iteration!

We run a month-long course to introduce you to a range of effective, embodied healing modalities (five personality patterns, sensation tracking, focusing, ideal parent figure, parts work, expression exchange).


Purpose & Presence course

Sign up if you’re interested in hearing when we run this!

Discovering and working towards our purpose is one of the most profound journeys we can go on. We’ll spend time getting to know your essence, purpose, and unique gifts, identifying limiting beliefs and fears, setting up structures to follow the breadcrumbs and make concrete progress, and share our wins and challenges in a supportive group.

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Five personality patterns workshop

Sign up if you’re interested in hearing when we run this!

Everyone’s healing journey is different. No, really, not just a little different, like, radically different. What one person most needs in a given moment might be the exact opposite of what someone else most needs. The Five Personality Patterns gives an incredible map for navigating your healing pathway, that I’ve found to be so predictive and helpful. We’ll spend time with the map and getting to know your strategies in the workshop! This doesn’t have a scheduled day or time yet, so if you’re interested, sign up and we’ll make it happen :)